
Fun Projects

I have been working on a few thing lately and just wanted to share them. I made a crayon roll a few weeks ago and have also been working on the cutest little dollhouse. The tutorials for these projects can be found here:

Crayon Roll
Fabric Dollhouse

Anyway, here's my finished crayon roll which works GREAT for church. I was carrying the crayons in a plastic baggie. Of course they would spill all over the place which is never a good thing.


Here's the dollhouse I've been working on for a while. It's turning out really cute but I still have a lot to do. I'll post the finished product eventually. It doesn't just have to be a house. I thought of making an airplane hanger for my nephew and I've also thought of making a dinosaur cave for another nephew. Obviously the "cave" would be more like a house, but it would serve it's purpose. I found some fabric that looked like some kind of hunters fabric, but would work beautifully for a cave. It had deer that looked like they had been drawn onto the fabric so of course those would be the cave drawings. I also found some fabric that looked like a lot of pebbles scattered across it, which would be the outside of the cave. For the airplane hanger I was going to use some camouflage material for the inside of the hanger and the outside would be all gray. I was also going to do a black runway with white lines sewn onto it. But since it's taking me forever to get this one done, I won't be doing the others :)  Anyway, here's what I have so far:

I still need to add a window beside the door and something to the back of the house.

Pay no attention to the mess surrounding the house as well as my crooked seam in the "grass" :)


1 comment:

Wickedstepmother said...

I love both of them..the house is AWESOME!
