
Lakeside View?

I don't know about anyone else but I cannot wait for Spring!  I don't know how much more my yard can take of this crazy weather!  Here is a picture of our backyard a few days ago.
Welcome to Lake R U Kidding Me
Swim at your own risk!
 It has been like this for more than a week.  We thought it would be nice if it would freeze so the kids could go ice skating.  This is what we got instead.

Yea!  Another snow storm...this is just what we needed!
Did our lake freeze?  Of course not!
Hopefully this is the end of the crazy weather.  I am trying to wish Spring in today.  I have opened up the windows and have been "spring cleaning" all day.  Since waking this morning I have cleaned the whole downstairs as well as my bedroom and have done a lot of laundry.  I don't want to admit how many loads because it is embarrassing!  Needless to say my kids will be happy when they go to bed tonight and they have pj's in their drawers!  I thought ahead today and threw a roast in the oven so I didn't have to think about dinner.  Once dinner is over the kids and I are going to pull out the games and enjoy the rest of the evening! 


1 comment:

Apple said...

That is crazy! You weren't kidding when you said your yard was flooded. The snowy picture looks pretty though!
