
What was I supposed to do?

I have to admit, yesterday was not my most productive day. I was going over my list of things that needed to be done and I basically completed one task...dinner. My hubby did a load of laundry (I'm about to admit something embarrassing, but I know I'm not alone in this), actually he re-washed a load that had been forgotten and didn't smell very fresh :) But he washed our dog and wanted to wash some doggy bedding because what's the point of having a vanilla scented dog who will lay in his bed just to get stinky again? And of course he found a load of already washed laundry needing to be re-washed. **Sigh** Anyway, I managed to whip up a homemade meal which I posted the recipe for under the "Recipes" section. I cheated on the rice, but whatever! And finally bedtime came (which I thought sleeping would be the easiest part of my day), but I found myself awake thinking about this blog!!!

So today is catch-up day. I will be productive, I will be productive, I will be productive... ;)



Am said...

I have done that before with the laundry. I start one project which leads to something else and then usually that night I remember I forgot to get the laundry. The fajita recipe sounds good. I will try that soon. I too have some catch up on my list. I didn't get to everything yesterday. The good news is I'm almost finished so I will have more time to spend with the kids.

Apple said...

Yeah I try to keep up with the laundry but honestly it's a never ending process. As soon as I conquer the mountain I go upstairs and there is more stuff in the hamper! I've even tried washing a load everyday, but like you said you are lead to something else and unfortunately laundry falls to the bottom of the list...again!
If you try that recipe you need to let me know. I like feedback. If you make refried beans put a little chicken broth (about a 1/4 cup) and garlic powder in it. It adds a lot of flavor.
