
One of those days...

Have you ever had one of those days?  When everything is messed up no matter how hard you try?  Today was one for the books!  Nothing majorly went wrong; just a day that I'd forget my head if it weren't attached to my body.
  • After changing diapers and getting the kids dressed this morning, I threw the clothes in the trash and the diapers in the basement...
  •  I started my coffee but forgot to put water in the pot, only to notice this after I was already running late and trying to get the kids to school...
  • I switched over the laundry only to forget to start the dryer--2 x in the same day...
  • At bedtime I put lotion on my hands only to discover that I picked up my hair gel--that would explain why my hands were really itchy...
  • I tried to take out my contacts and was struggling to do so until I realized I wasn't wearing them today...
  • The best was we had ice cream this evening and after I put the kids to bed I started to pack tomorrows lunch only to discover that I put the cones in the freezer and the ice cream in the cupboard...
I take this as a sign that maybe I should call it a day!


1 comment:

timato said...

I had one of those days that same day too. I started the coffee pot in the morning like I do every morning. Who doesn't need coffee at 4:50 in the morning?! Everything started off with the morning to finding splotch on my shirt for work. I think that it was Downey from when I washed them the night before. I had to quietly go up stairs and try not to wake my ladies (DW and DD) who were still asleep. I came down and started to iron my shirt and realized I forgot my belt. I ran back upstairs, grabbed my belt, and quietly crept down my extremely squeaky stairs. After I came back down I went to fix my coffee in my Thermos for work. Where did I put it? Oh it’s in the Jeep…Wrongo! I left it at work!!! Geez Alou! So what am I to do with a 1/2 pot of coffee? Welp, gulp about half of it before I go to work and grab one of my disposable cups I got the day after Christmas sale from Target. To my demise, we did not have any lids. So I needed to put it in one of my mugs. No biggie—I just need to drive very carefully w/o spilling any of it. So I put my belt on and pour my cup of Joe for the road. I got everything ready to leave with my shoes being the last thing to put on before I rushed out for work. As I put my shoes on and bent down to tie them, my belt broke. Are you serious?!?! It didn’t just break; it ripped out of the screws and was not repairable unless I literally cut off about a 1/4 of an inch. So I readied my MacGyver skills and repaired my belt. Needless to say I my day started off very adventurous. Quite honestly I wasn’t mad. I think part of it was because the gulp of coffee hadn’t hit that part of my brain that reacted to situations like this! These days I think are here for us to look back and laugh. Some of them take more time to see the humor, but one day we will all laugh.