
Laundry Can Wait

The chaos of yesterday has finally come to an end! Yesterday was the 3rd day in a row that hubby has been gone for 13 hours each day. I was really feeling it last night!! In the last four hours I changed 5 poopy diapers, fed the troops, had craft time, did homework, bathed the boys (the girls can wait, the boys couldn’t), did the dishes, swept the whole downstairs, read two stories, prayed and sang with the kids and put them to bed. Did I accomplish everything I needed to? No! My upstairs is still insane and I have about 6 loads of laundry that need to be folded and put away. Even with the chaos I am one happy Mommy! The highlight of my day was having 30 minutes of quiet time with my 2 year old. We snuggled together and played some games on my iPod. When we were finished she spontaneously told me she loved me. When I first sat down with her I could only think of everything that needed my attention, especially the laundry, but after a while I was savoring the closeness of her. Her sweet words melted my heart and reminded me that they are growing up quickly and I need to savor every minute with them. Everything else can wait!


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