
Chicken Tetrazzini

Sorry I haven't posted in a few days. The weather has been so nice lately we've been taking advantage of being outside. It's been great! Lots of walks and just playing and enjoying the weather. We've also been remodeling our kitchen. That takes up A LOT of time so I haven't been able to post. My hubby put down ceramic tiles and now we're painting our cabinets. It's looking nice, but it's hard to envision what the end result will look like. Normally I'm pretty good at envisioning what a project will look like when it's finished, but not with this one. Anyway I needed a tasty and hearty meal the other day so I made Chicken Tetrazzini (probably not very authentic, but yummy anyway). I think it's kid friendly, my little one has gobbled it up before, but decided a peanut butter and jelly sandwich would be better that night.
Here's what you need:

2 cans of cream soups (I used one cream of chicken and one cream of mushroom)
1 Cup of sour cream
1/2 Cup milk
2 cooked chicken breasts shredded or chopped
4 oz jar of pimentos
8 oz cooked spaghetti noodles
1 medium onion
2 garlic cloves, chopped
1 Cup shredded cheddar cheese
sliced mushrooms (I used about 4 oz)
Salt and pepper to taste

Step 1:
Combine the soups, sour cream, and milk. I accidentally added my pimentos to this step, but I usually saute them with the onions, garlic, mushrooms, and chicken.

 Step 2:
Saute onions, mushrooms, garlic. Add pimentos and chicken to saute. Stir the saute into the soup mixture and add noodles, combine thoroughly.


 Step 3:
Pour into a lightly greased 13x9 baking dish top with cheese and bake at 350 degrees for about 30-40 minutes.



Am said...

Made this recipe last night. It was very good and my husband and son also loved. We all went back for seconds. Can't wait to try some of the other recipes.

Apple said...

Good! I'm glad everyone liked it! Thanks for commenting!
