
It's been a couple of days since I've posted anything new. I've been busy doing all things domestic :) Today has been a cloudy, gloomy day which means only one thing...LAUNDRY DAY! I am looking forward to spring. I like winter, but it seems like this has been a long one. As I sit here typing I have QVC on (I'm not a QVC shopper, but it's one of those channels I put on when there's nothing else to watch), anyway they have garden stuff on and it's making me happy thinking about Spring. I always start the season off online making sure any plants I want to buy aren't toxic to kids or pets and then off to the garden stores with grand ideas and then nothing turns out like I think it will and I get discouraged, but I keep trying! For example I love the look of  Delphiniums and Foxgloves, but they are insanely toxic. I've tried Hollyhocks without a lot of luck. I know they are biennials and people have told me that they reseed, but they never have for me. Actually I take that back...one came back and it looked silly with just one lone Hollyhock. But I left it there because I was happy that it came back...how sad is that? :)

Well, I have another recipe to post, but it will have to wait until tomorrow. It's a good one. Chicken Alfredo! Yum! Not the healthiest thing in the world, but it's not disgustingly greasy like you find in restaurants. I don't know if anyone has ever tried to reheat chicken alfredo from restaurants, but it's pretty gross when you have a pool of grease beneath the noodles!

Happy almost Friday!


Wickedstepmother said...

Ms Apple I hope you have a fabulous day today. I like the garden post. Every year I want to do garden but end up never doing one. Maybe your garden post(s) will get me in the zone this year. I tried to plant sunflowers last year but none of them made it, I think it was too wet where we planted, IDK. Looking forward to the recipe post :)


Apple said...

My garden post will probably be helpful because of what NOT to do! LOL!! I don't know what I'm doing wrong with my planting. A few years ago I planted a ton of perennials and now they're big and beautiful, but since they're so big and beautiful, they're choking each other out! *Sigh* I think this year I will have to split them. That should be interesting :o

I'm glad you're enjoying the posts. I enjoy posting so thanks!