
I just have to comment on our followers. I think everyone's alias is hilarious! It seems like people are having fun coming up with some pretty creative names. I LOVE IT!! There are a couple that I can't figure out who they are (the reason why I'm guessing is because I'm sure our followers are only our friends and family). If Jalapeno is who I think it is then I have to say that was a "hot" idea and yes the pun was intended. I know, I'm a dork! Please continue to join and create some fun alias' (not sure if the punctuation is right on "alias'". Any word folks out there?)

Well the reason why I'm adding a post tonight is because anyone who knows me or Leaf for that matter, knows how much we love a deal. I went shopping tonight --remember that from the "to do" list?-- and got some pretty awesome deals. Here are my best ones:

Would have spent $86

Actually Spent: $52

Total Savings: $34 (that's 40%)!

Pretty proud of myself here...can anyone beat that? Seriously, that is some awesome savings especially with the price of gas right now. That's almost a full tank right there!


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