
Turkey Meatloaf and Hashbrown Casserole

When I was growing up, we didn't eat a lot of beef. Usually if we had meat, it was turkey. One of my favorites was turkey meatloaf, which I'll post the recipe for in a little bit. When I was thinking about what to make I decided that a hashbrown casserole would go good with it. I'm sure a lot of people already have some sort of version of this casserole, but I'll tell you mine. I don't put any butter in mine because the cheese is generally going to have enough oil that you won't need the butter. This meal really isn't anything fancy, but it's filling and yummy. My pictures aren't the greatest for this meal because my meatloaf fell apart as I was plating it and my batteries in my camera were about to die, so I just took them as fast as I could :) Sorry!


About 1lb of ground turkey (my pack had a little bit more, so that's fine)
1/2 an onion, chopped
1/4 of a bell pepper, chopped (I only like a hint of it, if you love it, add more)
About 1/4 C of oats
Salt, Pepper, and Garlic Powder to taste
6 oz of Italian seasoned tomato paste (if you only have 1lb of meat, use about 1/2 of the paste)


Yellow Mustard

Again this is not something I measure. I put the sugar in a bowl first (maybe a couple Tbsps) then I add the ketchup and mustard. You won't need as much mustard as ketchup. Just make sure you have enough to cover the whole meatloaf.

Mix everything together thoroughly, form, cover and put in oven at 375 for 1 hour. Uncover, add "glaze" and bake another 15 minutes until browned.

Hashbrown Casserole:

30 oz pkg of frozen shredded hashbrowns, thawed
2 Cups of cheddar cheese, divided
1 can of cream of chicken soup
8 oz of sour cream
1/2 onion, chopped
Salt and Pepper to taste

Just mix everything toghether minus 1/2 cup of cheese. Put into a casserole dish and bake at 375 for approximately 40 minutes (covered), then uncover add 1/2 cup of cheese and bake for another 10-15 minutes until golden.

I tried to cut out as much fat as possible without sacrificing taste. I used Healthy Request cream soup, reduced fat sour cream and cheese. I also did NOT butter my casserole dish. It just wasn't necessary.

Here's the finished meal. Like I said, it's isn't pretty, but it sure is yummy!

I'm actually a little embarrased to post that picture, but there it is! Enjoy!


1 comment:

Wickedstepmother said...

I'm putting these both in my 'to try' pile. I've never been a fan of ground turkey, its always dry. Your meatloaf looks good though. My dad made awesome turkey burgers (and I hate turkey burgers). He would saute up onions and green peppers and mix them in the meat. He said they helped with the dryness.
