
Happy Easter!

Sorry I didn't post anything last week, I was feeling a little under the weather. My allergies have been really bad this year. I've been sneezing like crazy. Anyway, I'll try to do better this week :)

I hope everyone had a nice Easter. We went to church and then had dinner with friends. It was nice and relaxing. Also, today between my hubby and my little one, they found my Ipod! Finally! It's been about 2 weeks now. My hubby said that if we didn't find it soon that he would buy me a new one for Mother's Day. Now he's off the hook. He teased me today and said that that was the only gift he could think of so now I'm not getting anything ;) But he's got it pretty easy because I'm not really big on gifts. I just love spending time with my family. But if you're wondering how an Ipod could be misplaced for so long it's because it was stuck in the deepest darkest crevice of our recliner. My hubby had to flip it upside down and shake it a little to find it. He said he had the recliner upside down and my little one came up to him and said "Daddy, whatcha doing?" He said "I'm looking for mommy's Ipod." Then all of a sudden my little one said "There it is!" I was upstairs and I heard my hubby say "You're awesome!" Then he called for me and told me they found it. I was very happy. It even had battery life left.

Anyway, yesterday we were out all day looking at model homes. It was a gloomy rainy day, so it was fun looking at the different homes. My plan for yesterday was to color eggs and do an egg hunt. Well, we didn't get home until about 6 pm so I figured we'd do it on Sunday. But as soon as we pulled into the garage my little one said "Mama, paint eggs!" It's funny how little one's remember stuff like that. So I had to hurry and put everything together. It was fun though. This was the first time I used vinegar in the dye, and it really makes a difference. The eggs turned out really pretty.

 I put everything in the basket a few minutes before I hid it. Tinkerbell is a big hit in our household. Can you tell?


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