

I love Ruebens! We had that for dinner last night. Ruebens are super easy to make (my little one doesn't like them, but it's just as easy to add a grilled cheese to the menu). I don't have any pictures, but it's so easy that pictures aren't really necessary anyway. Here's what you need:

Swiss cheese slices
Thousand Island dressing
Corned Beef
Rye Bread

Butter the outside of the bread. Inside add one slice of swiss cheese, corned beef, sauerkraut, another slice of swiss cheese, and bread. Place on griddle and brown on both sides (the browning time should be enough time to get the cheese melted, if not just place a lid over it for a minute to melt the cheese). After browning you could remove one slice of bread and add the dressing, I just put mine on the side and dip my sandwich in it. For a side, I went to my local pizza place and ordered potato wedges because they have the best and dinner was done.


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