
Pancakes Anyone?

Do you ever feel like having breakfast for dinner? A couple of nights ago my little one kept asking for pancakes, so I decided it would be nice to have them for dinner. I used to buy the mix from the store, but really wanted to find an easy, good homemade version. I finally fiddled around with enough recipes and found the perfect pancake every time. Depending on what kind of flour you use will make a difference with how much milk you use. I use Gold Medal, but I have used White Lily and it is made from a soft winter wheat which makes it finer (in my opinion) and I've had to majorly reduce the amount of milk I use when making anything with White Lily flour.

I always do half a batch of plain pancakes and another half of blueberry. I'm not a big fan of blueberries, but these pancakes taste kind of like my blueberry muffins, so they're good. I use frozen wild blueberries, but I've used fresh too. Anyway, here's what you need:

2 Cups Self-Rising flour
2 eggs, beaten
6 Tbsp oil
6 Tbsp sugar
1 1/2 Cups milk
splash of vanilla
blueberries (opitional)
cinnamon (optional)
nutmeg (optional)
brown sugar (optional)

Mix everything together and pour onto buttered griddle. I always butter my griddle and it adds an extra yummyness (is that a word? :D) to it. I do not add butter afterwards. Cook until bubble start to appear. Don't let the pancake get covered with bubbles because by then it's cooked too much and you'll have tougher pancakes. When bubble start to appear, look underneath and if it looks like it's good to flip, do so. Just be sure to flip AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE! Trust me on this one, it really makes a difference. Just for a test, go ahead and allow one to get bubbles all over, and notice the difference in the texture. I learned this little trick from Queen Martha :) She was right!

If you click on this image you can kind of see the consistency that you should have.

Plain Pancakes 

Blueberry pancakes. After I put the first batch of plain pancakes on the griddle, I add blueberries, nutmeg, and cinnamon to the batter. Put them on the griddle (after buttering) and add brown sugar. When you flip them over and cook the brown sugar side it gets delicious. Just beware not to touch the sugar side with your fingers. It's HOT!

Yummy Yummy! 



Wickedstepmother said...

Blueberry for me please! :) Funny, I was just thinking earlier today - Pancakes or French Toast? I rarely make/have either, but if I had to choose it would be French Toast


Apple said...

I know, I love French Toast too. Unfortunately, I never have the bread on hand for it. I guess I could make some right? I have made homemade bread and used it for French Toast. Mmmm...Yummy!
