
What did you say?

Leaf and I have conversations about language sometimes and talk about things that annoy us. For example...I hate it when someone uses literally for everything. Especially when it isn't true. I have heard the following "It was so hot outside, I literally melted". Really? So how is it that you're able to tell me this story? Or "I was so surprised I was literally blown away". You get the idea. Another thing that annoys me is when people use I for everything, "It took my husband and I an hour to work in the yard" WRONG! It's actually "It took my husband and ME an hour to work in the yard". It drives me crazy. Or "Her and her husband will meet us there". Wrong again, it's actually, "She and her husband will meet us there". Take the other person out of the sentence and see how much sense it makes, "Her will meet us there" or "She will meet us there".  Anyway, I found this video and I thought it was funny. I am guilty of some of them, such as talking too fast and blurring my words together. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. And if you're guilty of some of them, please don't get mad at me :)


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