
Plants Week 2

I said I would try to take pictures every week of my plants so I can see their progress. I actually did! Here is what they look like this week:

This is the zucchini plant. It's already flowering. I was surprised to see that.

Here are the tomato plants. I know they're bigger, but I don't see a huge difference yet.

The two plants in the front are my peppers. I don't see much growth here either, but I'm sure they're bigger too.

And here are my green beans. I knew they would look like this this week. I was so excited to see those little guys poking out of the soil. Now I need to thin them out.

So that's the progress this week. I still need to plant a few more things, but I don't know if that's going to happen. Hubby wanted to do corn, and I wanted onions, but I think we learned our lesson last year about over planting. I want to plant some pumpkins this year just to see if I can. I love painting pumpkins in the fall. We paint one side for October and in November we turn them around to the blank side so we can keep that harvest look going a little longer. When that time of year comes, I'll be sure to post the pictures.


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