
Plant Time!

Today was a plant kind of day. We went to the nursery center and bought a lot of plants. Here's the rundown:

12 Royal Hostas
2 flats of impatiens
3 snapdragons
3 dusty millers
6 salvia (annual)
9 nierembergia
6 tomato plants
3 pepper plants
2 zucchini plants
corn seeds
green bean seeds

We finally figured out how far apart to space our hostas when it started raining really hard. The label said 12-15 inches apart, but I think that is way to close. We have Royal Hostas in another area and they are huge! Those are spaced 48 inches apart (which is a little far, but we're planting between them). Since our calculations were off, we now have an additional 5 hostas that I don't know what to do with. I'm going to ask if I can return them. I've never tried return a plant to a nursery so I'm not sure of their return policy. If they won't take them back, I'm sure I can find somewhere to plant them. I'll take pictures when we get everything planted.

I also have finally gotten out to buy some fabric. I am so excited to get started on a couple of things. I will definately post them when they're done.

I was playing around with different backgrounds today. What do you think of this one compared to the other? I kind of like this because it looks "cleaner". Let me know.

I hope everyone is having a good weekend!



The Trobough's said...

I'm terrible at keeping pretty things alive....and my parents own a flowershop. Go figure!!! I bet the colors are gorgeous :)

Bookworm said...

This is a nice background, but to be honest I "loved" the other background the best. It looked warm, homey and crafty!:)
M&M and I went out yesterday and bought our flowers for our pots and flower garden. We have cut down on what you use to get and it still costs as much!! Prices are sure going up!! M&M weeded the pots and flower garden and she planted all the spring bulbs. M&M got me some Tulips & Daffodil bulbs for Mother's Day and we decided we wanted more so we went back to the store and bought more bulbs. Can't wait to see our flower bed next spring!! We got some hyacinth bulbs too, so next spring our flower garden should look pretty springy!! Now if the rain would let up for a while maybe we can get all of our flowers planted!!
Back to my housework...Tootles!:)

Apple said...

I love Spring flowers too! Just so you know, Tulips, Daffodils, and Hyacinths are toxic to dogs according to the ASPCA. The bulbs are the most toxic for the Tulips and Daffodils. I think any part of the Hyacinth is toxic. I don't think your dog is a digger, but thought you ought to know.

I didn't know if I should change the site or not, but honestly every time I looked at the old one all I could think of was how much I wanted to change it...and I'm the one who chose it to begin with! But thanks for letting me know because I've been curious to know what people think about the change :)
