
Does Yardwork Ever End?

I just realized that the last time I posted was on the 14th. Today was the first day we were able to plant anything. I'll post my pictures and explain as I go along...

Last year we decided to do a raised garden...on the deck. Needless to say, it took up a lot of room. So this year I told hubby I want it in the yard. This is what it looked like in pieces as he took it apart and put it in the yard. Notice the massive amount of soil on the tarp. All of that is from the raised bed.

Here is the last bit of the bed before it was completely off the deck. We were a little concerned because we didn't know what the boards were going to look like under the soil.

Here is yet another project. The shed needs to be painted and if you look to the left there is a huge pile of wood that needs to be thrown out. We're not really sure how to get rid of it  so that's why it's still there. I think we may end up calling someone to come out and get it because I wouldn't be surprised if there are termites in the bunch.

Here is a picture of my Hostas that I talked about in my last post. Remember how I said I would plant in between them? Well the winner this year is...Zinnias! I can't remember the name of the color, but it's really pretty. I'll post the name when I get outside and look at the label. Pay no attention to the grass growing up between the mulch :) It will be taken care of...eventually!

Here is yet another area of Hostas. In between and around them will be Salvia.

For whatever reason, Blogger decided to flip this picture sideways and no matter what I do it won't turn right side up. Sorry. Anyway, these are the Impatiens that are going to go in between the Hostas lining the side of the house that hubby just planted. I thought I took a picture of those, but I guess I didn't because it's not on my camera.

And this is a picture of one of my rose bushes. These are knockout roses which are pretty hardy. But some stupid bug keeps snacking on them! It's making me really mad. I have a total of four roses. I have two double knockout rose bushes and two climbing roses. I have to say, those are some of the most irritating plants. I know effort has to go into growing them, but UGH! I need to by some rose spray and just start spraying them. I also need to break down and get some kind of ant stuff to get rid of those pesky things. They are having too much fun eating my plants and I'm tired of it.

Well that's what's going on with me. At the rate I'm going I probably won't be posting again until some time next week. So until next time, take care!


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