
More Planting Today

So we were able to do some more planting today. As you can see hubby finished putting together the raised bed and we were able to plant our garden. 

Here are our tomatoes. We have 3 Roma and 3 Big Boy tomato plants.

Here are 3 green pepper plants.

Our one zucchini plant. But I only want it for my chocolate chip zucchini nut bread, so I should get plenty for that.

Here are a couple of plants I bought for my little one. I wanted annuals so I used Dusty Millers instead of Lambs Ears and Snapdragons because it's fun to make them "talk".

I planted my Salvia and I still have more that need to be planted.

In between these Hostas are Zinnias. The name of them is Profusion Cherry. They're really pretty. We've planted them before and they're hardy too. 

Hubby split my Daylilies and look at what a good size they still are!

It was raining when I was taking these pictures. It just seems like we can't get through a day without rain. It's taking us forever this year to get things planted. We still have 2 flats of impatiens to plant. I have plants that need to be relocated and still need to be split. It's crazy.

I plan on taking pictures of the garden every week and posting them. I love watching their growth. One thing you couldn't see in the garden pictures was the green beans. We planted the seeds tonight. They grow like crazy, so I can't wait to see what they look like in a week!


1 comment:

Bookworm said...

Do you ever feel like you're back over in England with all the rain we have been getting this spring??? :) We've been waiting for the yard to dry up for more than a few hours so dad can till and plant the garden. Looks like it will be a late planting this year!!
Loved your videos! I will have to make sure M&M sees the chick fil a one!!