
Pirate want a Parrot?

This is a super simple, easy idea for a parrot. I originally went to Michaels and they had songbirds with an attached clip for feet on clearance for $1 so I bought them and figured they would be good enough. But then I went to Hobby Lobby the other day and saw these flat little colorful parrots made from MDF or something for only .67. As I was looking at them I thought..."Why not attach a pin to the back of these things for the kiddos instead of using the songbirds?" It was a lightbulb moment. The kids are young so a bird sitting on their shoulder would probably annoy them because it would be rubbing their little faces too much. Whereas this idea can just be pinned to the shoulder of their shirts and not annoy at all! They were kind of plain so I prettied them up with some glitter glue and Voila! Cool parrots for the pirates!

This is what they look like:

 A closeup:

I just started gluing all around the outline of the feathers:

Here they are all glittered up: 

 Because I didn't think this out, I added the glitter glue before I attached the pins to the back. So I started applying the pins before the glue was dry. It was hard not to stick my fingers in the glitter glue because it was still wet. Needless to say, before I was done, I had glitter fingers. Anyway, I went to the jewelry making department and picked up these pins.

 Hopefully you can see what kind I used in this picture:

Add your glue:

 Attach the pin:

 Press firmly and you'll start to see the glue coming through the holes of the pin.

And here it is completed. I left the label on because it's like they super glue these things to the back and when you try to tear it off, you get one little piece at a time. So I gave up!

So there you go. Easy parrots for your pirates!

Remember the other day I said Kermit was going to be showing up in a future post? Well today is the day. I wanted to show how everything has come together and won't post pictures of my little one. So my husband came up with the idea of using this HUGE Kermit he won at an indoor amusement park about 12 years ago. I have to say Kermit doesn't look like he's aged a bit! He normally lives in our basement, but I took him out for a few pictures. So he's now Captain Kermit!

OK, so you can see now how everything is coming together. Notice how the belt ties on the side and how nicely it hangs while the buckle is nice and centered. I had to cover Kermits eyes with the hat, but you get the idea. Where human eyes would be is where the eyepatch is. My husband decided to have Kermit hold a kaleidoscope because its funny! The treasure chest is what the kiddos will be "digging" up when they find their treasure.

Up Next: What's in the treasure chest?


Anonymous said...

cool pirate stuff. i wanna see more!!


Apple said...

There's more coming! I've had to restrain myself because if I don't watch it I will go a little "overboard" (did you catch the pun?) Thanks for commenting! It's nice to hear feedback.