
Felt Pirate Hats

Finally! I have been talking about these hats for ages. I have 5 hats with different colors. I have a blue, green, white, orange, and red. I was going to monogram each child's hat, but have decided not to. I bought some rubber stamps on clearance and may just stamp the center of their hat to match their "ribbon". When sewing everything, just get as close to the edge as possible.

Here we go:

Step 1: Cut out a template. I used a Cheerios box. Your hat should be about 19" wide by 10" tall. I just drew this hat freehand. 

 Step 2: Cut out all of your strips to match the shape of the hat.

 Step 3: Cut out your hats according to the template. You obviously need 2 pieces per hat. I made 5 hats so I had 10 pieces. These are the same size, but for whatever reason the top piece looks a lot smaller.

 Step 4: Pin your strips to the front piece of the hat and sew with coordinating thread.

 Step 5: After you finish sewing all of the strips on, just sew on the back piece to complete the hat.

This is the first hat I did. I used white. I figured if it turns out bad, then I'd redo it. But it turned out good so I decided to use this hat for my little one. But since she is the captain, I had to make her hat a bit flashy! If you look closely, you can see the white strip beneath the feathers. To attach the boa, I just used my glue gun.

If you're wondering why Kermit is in this picture, you'll have to wait! He will be showing up in a future post.

These hats really are easy to make. The part I hated most was cutting out the strips and that wasn't horrible. It's exciting to see them come together!

Up Next: Parrots!


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