
Pirate Rhymes

Here's my clever (or so I think) rhymes that I came up with. Although, the first one I found online but I changed it slightly. It's kind of hard to write in pirate'ese' but I'm gonna try:

This will be the clue the kiddos will be handed before they even go outside:

1. Fer yer first clue as good pirates know, find the place where pumpkins grow.

Once they find the pumpkins, they'll receive their pirate hat and their next clue:

2. I'll tell ye a secret, the best ye've heard, but first matey, can ye find the bird?

When they find the bird they'll get their belt and eyepatch and their next clue:

3. Watch ye step! It's me ye'll thank. Fer yer next clue ye'll walk the plank!

The plank is going to be a piece of wood on top of two cinder blocks over a blue tarp for water. Once they walk the plank, they'll receive their hook and their next clue:

4. Now ye'll let yer feet set sail and find a message in a pail. Again the message ye will hide and leave this place upon a slide!

I have to say I was pretty pleased with myself for this rhyme! I'm going to hide a bucket filled with sand at the top of the slide and in the sand I'm going to put a "message" (their clue) in a bottle. When they're done they will put the bottle back, get their sword and slide down to their next destination:

5. Ahoy! I think we're under attack! Find a tree, but look on it's back!

For this one I'm somehow going to do a makeshift arrow and stick it into one of the trees in the backyard. Hanging from the arrow will be their final clue. I'm going to make little notecards for the parents to take so they can remember everything because this last clue is long. I have to get the kiddos to the front yard for a beanbag toss and they can "dig" for their treasure in the straw. Now this is the piece de resistance of rhymes! I was so proud of myself with this one that I had to call my mom, my sister in law (Leaf) and my hubby at work just to read it to them. Yes I'm slightly obsessed with this party!

6. Yer almost there, but be aware, I know there be a croc somewhere! Around the front, me thinks ye'll find some fuzzy feathered friends of mine. The crocodile will want a snack, so feed him and go 'round his back. Grab a fuzzy feathered friend, Alas! I think yer at the end. Find yer X and then ye'll see the treasure of yer victory!


For this one they'll go into the front yard, feed the crocodile (to distract him) which is the beanbag toss, and then they'll grab a bird, clip it to their shoulder and dig for their own treasure (each child will have their own X which will be the same color as their hat to eliminate confusion) which will be buried in straw. The treasure chests will be filled with chocolate gold coins, gummy worms, spider rings, tattoos and other goodies.

Total cost for this whole party including EVERYTHING? $50. Not bad I think for 6 pirate hats, belts, eyepatches, hooks, swords, mops (to swab the deck...got these from the dollar store), balloons, goodies, and treasure chests. This does not include food, but we're ordering a couple of pizzas and one of the moms is bringing a cool piratey dessert.

I wanted to make this as cool as possible for the least amount of money possible. I think I hit the mark. I'm sure the kiddos are going to have a lot of fun and hopefully the parents will too!


1 comment:

Am said...

Sounds like this will be a fun party and the kids will love it. Also I love the rhymes.