
Bean Bags

As you know, I made some beanbags for the beanbag toss with leftover fabric. Total cost? $0. I had rice and beans and that's what I filled them with. Here's what you need for a 5"x5" beanbag:

coordinating thread

I didn't take pictures along the way, but they're so easy, an explanation should be fine.

1. Cut fabric into 6"x6" pieces.
2. Place fabric right sides together and pin
3. Sew 3 sides using 1/2" seam allowance; trim
4. Turn right side out
5. Fill bags with approx. 1/2 cup rice/beans
6. Fold unfinished fourth side into bag and sew closed

Here's the finished product:

Happy Sewing!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the use of extra material. The bean bags look better than what I see in the store.
And the price Excellent!!!!