
Peach Cobbler

This peach cobbler recipe is like none I've ever seen. This is my grandma's recipe and it's delicious. My husband even said it's the best peach cobbler he's ever tasted. My grandma didn't go overboard with a lot of different spices in most of her fruit pies. She just let the fruit make the pie. This recipe is old school. It may not be for everyone, but I think it's the best!

I bought peaches that weren't ripe and let them sit for a while to ripen. Apparently I waited too long and they turned to mush, so I didn't have as many peaches that I would normally to make a cobbler, so this is more like a peach cobbler pie. Here's what you need:

Pie crust (again, I used my trusty crust here)

12 peaches, pitted and sliced
3-4 cups of sugar, depending on how tart your peaches are or how sweet you want it.
1 cup water, you can use less if your peaches are extra juicy
3-4 Tbsp flour, again this depends on the juiciness of the peaches
1 tsp vanilla
butter to dot the peaches with

Preheat oven to 375. Let bake for 45 minutes to an hour. Start checking at 45 minutes.

For the crust, I LOVE crust, so I add a bottom crust. My grandma never did. She also didn't do a lattice top, but I like the lattice. If you don't like as much crust omit the bottom crust. Here's what I did:
Roll out your top and bottom crusts as you normally would for any pie. With another piece of dough cut it into strips maybe 1x2 inches. Place them on a cookie sheet and stick them in the oven at 375 for about 10 minutes. These are going to be the dumplings for the cobbler. While these are baking, work on the filling.

Mix the peach filling together and add half of it to the dish with a slotted spoon. Dot with butter.

 Add dumplings

Add remaining peaches

Cover with top crust and pour remaining juices over the top. This will make it beautifully golden and even more delicious.

Take out of the oven and let cool for at least an hour. My husband rarely waits longer than that before he's asking when am I going to slice it. You might want to wait longer to be sure everything is set. 

Be sure to put a cookie sheet beneath the pie to catch any drippings. Enjoy!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That looks sooooo good! :) JP