
Plants Week: I have know idea!

Last night I was in the kitchen making my yummy peach cobbler (I will be posting that later this week). When I was getting ready to put it all together, my husband came in from the backyard and asked me if I had seen the zucchini. I said, "Yes, it's getting huge." He told me that he wasn't talking about the plant itself, but the actual zucchini. I was so excited because I didn't know that any had actually grown yet. I ran out of the house like a crazy lady because I was so happy. Last year we tried to grow them and our garden was so overcrowded, all we got was huge leaves. So this was a very exciting moment for me :)

These two are the biggest so far. I'm going to leave them until some of the other ones get a little bigger.

Here's another one. Can you see it? It has the flower on top. There are a total of three like this, but this is the biggest. So overall I have five zucchini growing!

While looking around we found some tomatoes growing too. We couldn't get a good shot of them, but here's what we could get:
Do you see them? They're tiny, but they're there!

I love watching these things grow. I was so excited, I went to get my neighbor (she's a garden lover too), to show her my plants. I found another zucchini plant growing by the tomatoes and was a little confused because I know we only planted one. When I looked a little closer, I saw that the other plant that came with the plant we actually planted had taken root and was growing from the little container it came in! I didn't want this extra plant, so I gave it to my neighbor. When my husband took it out, it had one little root that was actually in our soil. Who knew these plants were so hardy? Apparently not a novice gardener like me ;-)


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