
Paper Chain

So my little one has been asking me lately when are we going Trick or Treat. The concept of a week and a half is a little hard to understand for a little one so the best way to teach this (in my opinion) is a paper chain. So since it is October, I decided to use autumnal colors. This paper chain is going a little beyond Halloween because my mom is coming to visit soon so this will also show when "Grammy" is going to be here.

This really is a simple project and I'm sure most of us remember doing it at least once in elementary school.

Take your construction paper, and cut it into 2" strips.

Have your little one color on the strips or embellish however you want. I decided to add little pictures to help make it all a little easier to understand.

Make your first link into a circle and glue together. Then just start linking them together and glue as you go along.

Hang and enjoy!

We will be ripping off a link as each day passes to show that the big day is almost here.

Notice the mop in the picture? That is the mop from the pirate party. I am tired of seeing it all over the house so I decided to make something out of it. Keep your eye out for what it has become :-)


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