
Carseat Cover/Canopy

I have finally made the carseat canopy that I mentioned quite some time ago. I'm actually making a few, but this is the first one and I wanted to get it on here. I used the tutorial found here, but I did my straps a little differently and measured my placement of the straps wrong. On my next cover, I'll be sure to measure properly :-) I measured my straps 18" down and 10" in.

To make my straps, I didn't want to use velcro so I just figured I would tie my straps to the carseat. My straps are approximately 1 1/2"x25". Here's how I did it:

 I started off with two pieces of fabric that are 5"x25".

Fold fabric in half lengthwise and press.

Unfold what you just did and fold fabric into fourths, press.

Take the top corner of each piece and fold it toward the center line and press. It should look like you are making a paper airplane. Do this to both ends.

Fold the entire strap in half again and press. This is what is should look like:
Stitch around the open ends of the straps and you're done. Sorry if this sounds a little complicated. It really isn't, I just couldn't figure out a better way to explain it.

Measure your straps to the proper placement on the cover and stitch in place.

And you're done! Here's what it will look like in the end:

I used minky fabric for the interior. It's nice and snuggly and could be used as a blanket also.


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