
Still Here

Hello everyone. I just wanted to let you know that I'm still here. I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving. We had a lot of yummy food to eat. I am going to post a couple of pie recipes when I get the chance, but for now I just wanted to write a little something since it's been so long since my last post. Posting is going to be a little thin for a while because I'm sure you may have picked up on my recent talk of baby stuff that our family has expanded and getting on the computer is not the easiest thing to do right now (when I have an extra minute I'm usually trying to shower at lightening speed).

I have lots of plans to make things for Christmas, but we'll see how that goes. My plan is to buy a real tree this year on top of our artificial tree. The artificial tree is going to be our "fancy" tree and the real tree is going to be our family tree. I want to make homemade ornaments and a popcorn garland. After Christmas, my plan is to put the tree outside with some peanut butter and bird seed sprinkled on it for the little critters outside.

I've recently discovered pinterest and there are a whole slew of things I want to make. All of them simple, but fun for little ones to make. I've also found a blog that I love and there are some really cool ideas for Christmas. One of which I plan to make for my friends and family as a family Christmas gift this year, but they'll be able to use it year after year. I'll be sure to get that posted too. So many plans, so little time...but at least I have a plan right?

Talk to ya soon!


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