
Burp Cloths

I actually made these a while ago, but never got around to posting them. A friend of mine is having a little one too, so I made a few for her. I got the template from here but made a couple of changes. On my first burp cloth I did it exactly as she said. It took too much time and hurt my hand from the constant clipping so I decided to sew it together. I like the way it looks much better and it was just easier for me.

Make sure you layer it right, or you'll be like me and want to scream because you sewed everything together only to realize that you put it together wrong in the first place and when you flip it out your batting is on the outside! I was so mad when that happened. I have to admit that I didn't sew for several days after that because I was so angry (I'm sure pregnancy hormones had something to do with that *wink*)

Anyway, here's what I did:

1. Place fabric right sides facing with batting on top.
2. Sew all the way around leaving approximately three inches opened at the top so you can flip it right side out.
3. Flip, then pin opening closed and sew all around closing the opening as you go. Then I sewed a line through the middle as suggested to catch the batting and voila! Done!

They are very nice and soft. I have made 16 so far, but I've cut out enough for 32. Apparently, I was very ambitious at one point :)

Here's how they look:



Front and Back: 

Happy Sewing!


1 comment:

Am said...

Those are very cute!