
Quick and Easy Chicken Noodle Soup

My little one was sick the other day so I decided to make some chicken noodle soup. I didn't make a lot, but it was enough for me, my hubby, and our little one. There was also enough for lunch for my little one the next day. I don't usually use boullion cubes because of the massive amount of sodium, but I did this time and it was good. I accidentally used too much water and needed the salt and flavor. I had a chicken breast from the night before and just used it. If you don't want the boullion cube, just add another can of broth and reduce your  water. Here's what you need:

1 chicken breast, cooked and chopped
2 cans of reduced sodium chicken broth
3 1/2 cups of water
2 carrots, sliced into rounds
1 stalk of celery, sliced
3 chicken boullion cubes
italian seasoning
1 small onion, chopped
2 cloves of garlic, chopped
2 cups of dry egg noodles

I sauteed the onion, carrots, celery, and garlic. Then I added the chicken and a couple dashes of italian seasoning. Add the chicken broth and water. Bring it to a boil and add the boullion cubes. After the cubes are dissolved, add the noodles and cook for approximately 6-7 minutes. Take it off the heat and let it rest for a few minutes. You shouldn't need any extra seasoning because of the italian seasoning and boullion cubes. And that's it! You're done. My little one took a bite and said "Mmm, Yummy for my Tummy!

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