
It's been a while...

Sorry I haven't posted in a long time! I think my last post was the beginning of June. I had all sorts of recipes that I've been wanting to make and post, but I've been busy with other things, such as cleaning!

Usually every year I do spring cleaning, but that didn't happen last year so I'm paying for it this year. There is just so much to do. Everything is unorganized and just a mess! The other day I was wanting to do some paper activities with my little one and couldn't find anything. I was so frustrated I just headed out to buy what I couldn't find. I went to my local office supply store and had some things laminated (which I will probably post  next week) and paid $20 for it. While I was waiting for them I decided to go to Target and get some of the things that the office store had totally over priced. While I was there I found a laminating machine for $27! This is after I went to Hobby Lobby and Michael's. Hobby Lobby had it for $70 (and of course they didn't have their usual 40% off coupon that week), and Michael's didn't even have them in stock. My point is, I would not have thought to look at Target. Anyway, I have no need to ever get things laminated at the office store again because I tried out the machine and it is the same quality as the office store!

OK, I got a little sidetracked there, but my house is a mess. For a while I was following the advice from a book I read called "Get Your Act Together: A 7-Day Get Organized Program for the Overworked, and Overwhelmed" by Pam Young and Peggy Jones (which had some pretty funny stories in it, if you ever read it, the story about how she was drying her husbands underwear had me crying because I was laughing so hard). That book helped me get it together. After I had my little one it was like I didn't know how to manage my home anymore, but reading that book gave me the motivation to get back on track. I am not as far gone as they were, but that's what motivated me even more because I figured, if they can do it, I can! I didn't follow it completely because it involves a lot of note cards (which I would never actually take the time to make up), but the advice was easy enough to put into memory and adapt to my personality. Well now I need a refresher course :) Just from not doing my annual big clean, everything is out of order now. Anyway, that's what I've been doing, and will continue doing most of the summer, which leaves little time for fun stuff. So I apologize for my sporadic posting! I can hardly wait for Fall and Winter because those are my favorite times of year and the creative juices really flow then, not to mention my house should be nice and tidy.

My garden is growing beautifully, but I haven't been taking weekly photos, which I knew I wouldn't keep up on ;)  I will take pictures and try to post that next week too.

Here's whats to come (hopefully):

Muffin Week- I have a few recipes I want to try as well as my normal blueberry muffins.

Backpack Post- I actually made it, but haven't posted...obviously :)

My grandma's old fashioned peach cobbler...YUM!!

Italian Wedding Soup- YUM!!

Pictures of my garden- that's a quick and easy one!

Burp cloths

My tote bag tutorial- I love those things!

Child's apron

That's the plan. Who knows when all of that is going to actually happen though. In the meantime, I hope everyone is having a nice summer!

Take Care,



1 comment:

MC said...

i want gram's peach cobbler recipe!