
Garden Week 5

As promised, here is the most recent picture of my garden. I took this picture last Saturday. It has really taken off. I can't wait until there is actually a crop to eat!

 Here is a picture of my zucchini. It's getting huge! It actually looks like it's going to smother one of my pepper plants.

You can see in this picture how it's taking over my pepper plant. 

Here are my tomatoes:

These are the green beans. We need to make a trellis for them to climb, but haven't yet.

Here are my pepper plants. I am very excited about these. I might need to move the one by the zucchini plant though. I had never had a garden fresh pepper before we started planting them a couple of years ago and boy is there a difference between garden fresh and store bought! I know that can be said for just about anything, but these peppers are a taste explosion! I'm very excited to use them in recipes. A little goes a long way with these fresh, yummy things.

Here are a couple of animals that we've seen in the garden this year:

This little critter has a whole family that lives behind our house. I've been seeing them eyeball my garden. Hopefully they stay away!


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