
Baby Dorothy Costume

So this year I decided to make my kiddos Halloween costumes. While I was going through bins of clothes from my oldest to pass down to my youngest I found a pair of red shoes that she could fit now which made me immediately think Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. Lucky for me I had some blue and white checked fabric from yet another unfinished project from this summer :) It was perfect for my little Dorothy. Also now Kohls has little Toto dogs which is PERFECT! So here's what I decided to do:

I figured the best bet for a little one is to make the costume in three pieces. I bought a long sleeved turtleneck onesie and sewed the "apron" directly to that, made the skirt seperate, and a belt to cover the elastic of the skirt to make it look more cohesive. I also wanted to do this in pieces because the skirt can be used as a regular skirt after Halloween. I didn't do any measurements for the straps or the center piece of the apron. I just cut the fabric and folded it until the proportions looked right, and I did the same thing for the center piece.

Again I didn't measure my belt I just figured out how wide I wanted it by placing fabric on the onesie then quadrupled that number to get my finished width. For example if the finished width is going to be 2 inches then you want to cut your fabric 8 inches wide. I made the belt the same way I made the straps for my carseat canopy HERE. As far as the length of the belt I just measured around my little one and doubled that number, but I think if I were to do it again I would go 2.5 times bigger.
For the skirt I used this tutorial and it was so easy, I will definately be making more of these! At the bottom of the skirt I added trim to make it a little cuter and it really did make a difference.
For the finishing touch I made a little bow from sparkly fabric and attached it to a headband which  really makes this outfit pop! My little one doesn't really have any hair so this bow is darling!
Here's the finished product:

Here's a close up:
As most babies are at this age, she was wiggly so the skirt shifted, but I do need to cut the elastic a little because it's just a little too big even for growing into.
This costume did not take much time at all and it is ADORABLE! I love it.


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