
Felt Chore Chart

Wow, it's been a long time since my last post. I've been busy with my little ones and have had no time for crafty things. It's amazing how much a house can get out of order from pregnancy through birth. Well now my two new little ones are a little older and it's getting easier to do things. I have been playing catch-up with house work and I'm slowly getting everything organized again. Now my oldest little one is at an age that chores will be introduced, it really isn't anything big but simple little things that will teach responsibility. I saw a felt chore chart on pinterest and thought it was a really cool idea. The instructions are here if you want them. I didn't follow the instructions, I just modified it to my liking.

My large felt piece is 18"x19", then folded it down about 2" to make a rod pocket. I purchased printable fabric and printed out images since my little one isn't a reader yet. After I printed the images, I cut them out with pinking shears and sewed everything together. You can see how I pieced everything here:

I decided to add a few more embellishments:

The green is for feeding the pets and the orange is for setting the table:

The yellow is for picking up toys and the blue is for putting clothes down the laundry chute at night.

This is how it looks hanging up...pay no attention to my upside down "S" for Saturday ;) 

It took me a couple of hours to pull this together because I sewed everything, but it was worth it. I think it turned out awesome!

So the concept is everyday a particular chore is done the coordinating stick gets put into that day. At the end of the week an allowance will be given. We will be giving real money and "home" money. Home money can be used for goodies that I will have like fun size candy bars or stickers. Home money can also be traded in for real money for the piggy bank. I want to teach the concept of saving, but also I want there to be a lesson in spending (hence the "home" money).

I'm looking forward to trying this. I haven't been particularly successful so far in getting my little one to pick up toys, so we'll see how this goes!

I hope you try this with your little one!


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