
Homemade Trick or Treat Bags

OK so I made some trick or treat bags for the kids. Each child has a bag that matches his or her costume. I decided to do this a little old school because I don't have any kind of machine that cuts things out for me :( But they were really easy to make and only took about 1 hour for all three. I went online and searched images for a pumpkin (for Cinderella), scottish terrier (for Dorothy), and a can of spinach (for Popeye). I printed them out, cut them out and pinned them to my fabric. The next step was to sew and presto! Cute trick or treat bags. I'm so excited! I didn't take pictures along the way, but I found a tutorial online to share how I did them found here. I did mine differently from hers, but the concept is the same and it's still easy peasy!

I hope you make some for your little ones. They really are a quick project and your little ones will LOVE them! Mine said "Oooh Mommy, I love it!" I'm not kidding! It made my day!


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