
Hu-Man and Robin

I have a funny story to tell about a Robin building its nest. Our swingset has a rock wall attached, and over several days we started noticing little bits of straw and grass and any sort of nesting material building up on the rocks. My husband would go out and take all the stuff off and get rid of it thinking the bird would stop because of the human scent. Finally one morning we noticed that there was a nest actually built up on a beam under the canopy of the swing set. The bird had the whole nest built except for the floor. I told my husband to go out and get rid of it before the bird came back. As my husband was up on the climber, I saw a Robin land in the tree not too far from the set, with his beak full of straw, and his head cocked to the side eyeballing my husband. I was standing safely inside the house looking out of the window and yelling to my husband that I think I see the bird responsible for building the nest. My husband looks over at the tree and tries to hurry taking down the nest. All the while I was teasing him from the window saying the bird was probably thinking "I just spent the better part of this morning building this nest and all I have to do is lay down my floor. Now this human is messing up my work. My wife is nagging me about being big and pregnant and needing to lay these eggs somewhere..." and as I was saying this I looked over and the bird started to nose dive towards my husband on the swing set. Now this platform is 5 feet tall so my husband could only escape by climbing down the rock wall, climbing down the ladder, or going down the slide. So, realizing this, I'm screaming "Oh my goodness! It's coming after you! Get down he's going to try to bite you!" My husband started to get a little concerned because his hysterical wife is screaming at him and he sees a bird coming to attack him. For whatever reason the birds just flew after him but didn't actually try to do anything to him. He just landed on the fence behind the swing set. My husband got down unscathed. Once I realized he was okay I could not stop laughing. I have not laughed that hard in a very long time. For sometime after that the bird just hopped around looking for the nest and after a while a friend of his joined him. So I started ad-libbing for them "What were you doing last night Rob? You don't remember where you left your nest?" "No seriously man, I know it was right here but this big human came and took it away, I even tried to get him but he was pretty fast for human." (Because even birds embellish stories).

I think this is the bird. It keeps coming back to this tree and looking at us while we're outside.  Look at the first picture. Doesn't he look like he's looking at me?

Ahh...Spring :)

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