
Felt Pirate Belt and Eyepatch

OK. Here we go with the pirate stuff. I will be posting a new piratey post for about 2 weeks because everything isn't finished and that will give me more time :-)

Today is the pirate belt and eyepatch. All of the kiddos are preschoolers so they're pretty small. You can adjust your sizes accordingly. I made five of each. Here's what you need:

Black Felt
Yellow Felt
Coordinating Thread
Black Yarn

My belts are three inches wide and the total length is 54 inches. The buckle is 3"x3". I just folded the 3"x3" square in half and eyeballed the cut. I snipped the top and bottom first, then the side piece. When you tie the belt, the ties will be on the left side and hang nicely. The buckle will be in the front and center.

1. Fold the felt in half. Cut a "V" out of the ends.

2. To get the belt buckle centered, I had to fold the belt in half and measure in five inches. I started the buckle from there. Pin your buckle on.

3. Sew and you're done! I don't have a specific seam allowance. Just sew as close to the edge as possible.

For the eyepatch, I just cut out some felt in an eyepatch shape (you can see it in the first picture). Then I used a hole punch, punched out two holes and threaded yarn through the holes. Voila! Instant eyepatch.

This really is a simple project and takes very little time. I made five in about 1 hour and that was from cutting the fabric to finish. Next project? Pirate Hats...Arrrgh!



Hello Again!

I haven't posted in about 3 weeks, but that's because I have been super busy with lots of projects. I will be posting all of them in the very near future. Here's what to expect:

Pirate hats
Pirate belts
Pirate swords
Eye patches
Bean bags for bean bag toss
Thing that you throw the beanbags into (I know, real technical right?)
Burp cloths
Carseat canopy
Chocolate chip zucchini nut bread

Unfortunately, I didn't have any responses for ideas for the rhymes for the scavenger hunt, but I had a lot of fun coming up with some really cool ones (in my opinion). I'll post those too. I'm gonna try to finish up my pirate stuff this weekend so hopefully I can start posting them next week!
